Saturday, August 18, 2012

Preschool this week...

Here are some of the activities we did this week(below). We also read some fun books and  had a trip to Imaginon.  I am taking these pics so that I can remember what we have done and see Azaylee's progress without saving every piece of paper.  She loved making the "baby to big girl" book on the left.  She is always asking me what she was like as a baby so this was fun to show her pictures and tell her stories.  Also, she LOVES to do art and begs me for more projects to do. She enjoys the sign language and is always walking around doing an A or B with her hand and telling me to guess what letter it is :).  She has learned two Bible verses in the two weeks (and so have I!).  They are "A soft answer turns away wrath- Proverbs 15:1" and "Be kind to one another- Ephesians 4:32" I really didn't expect her to be this interested or do this well.  This was really just a way of doing something special that is one on one with her.  We will see what this looks like over the coming weeks.  It is right up my alley since I taught preschool before having kiddos.  


  1. I love that you're doing preschool with her and that she love it so much. I'm glad you share it on here. I enjoy seeing her progress and her artwork!

  2. p.s. I want an original signed Azaylee art piece for Christmas!
