Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An update on us. (warning- this is long!)

Aaron- He is feeling 100% again. He was out of work for 3 days last week and lounged around feeling awful. It was kind of nice to have him home since I haven't seen him that much this past semester, although I wish that it wouldn't have been due to sickness. He is very busy with school, websites, and work right now. He just finished a website and has another to work on now. God has been providing for us in a big way through websites and pumpkin farm. I am very grateful for a husband that works so hard without complaining and handles our finances so well.

Ashley-I have just trying to take care of all the sickies and be content with being at home more. I just finished up a women's Bible study I was involved in and was able to memorize 5 new scriptures. Aaron helped me memorize them. I have never been very good at that. I am excited to have them "hidden in my heart" now. :) My weight loss has been at a stand still. Mainly because I let it. I head back to Weight Watchers this coming Saturday and I am looking forward to setting a new goal now that I have lost the first 20 lbs. I really enjoy going to these meetings. Sometimes it feels like all I do is make babyfood, wash diapers, and cook and clean, so it is a relief to go and feel like I am taking care of myself. Honestly most days I feel overwhelmed by my inability to complete the tasks that I need to with two kids now, but I know that I am growing and extending beyond my capabilities to learn to trust the Lord more and become a better mommy. As many of you know, I have been struggling with an array of strange symptoms and have been feeling poor overall. I am currently dealing with drs. with conflicting opinions and a medication that makes me feel even more exhausted than I already feel. I am not telling this for people to feel bad for me. I would just love prayer for the doctor to come to a diagnosis. And prayer for me to be a good wife and mother amidst this.

Azaylee - She has been getting sick often. She has had a fever for the last two days off and on, up to 103. Very sad. Today she seems to be getting better. She has a raspy voice, runny nose, and a cough but no fever. Praise God. It is so hard to see her get sick so often. She is on vitamins and we are doing extra hand washing, toy washing etc, but we are looking for other natural ways to build her immune system. She says many many phrases now and is so helpful. She loves to take care of her brother. She also loves to play with blocks, cars, and baby dolls. She is learning to pedal a bike and dress herself. She also loves to vacuum anything and everything and will make a mess just to vacuum. She will not go to bed unless everything is in it's place in her bedroom. She loves to help push the cart at the grocery store, go to the park, and Discovery Place Kids. She has recently got very into dress-up and wants to be a "pincess" (princess). She just watched her first movie on the projector at home on Friday night. It was "Rio". Overall, Azaylee is a joy to be around. She is so caring and smart. She picks up on things quickly and loves to learn.

Asher- He is officially our little army crawler. He is crawling nonstop. He goes after every cord, or piece of technology at lightning speed and smiles from ear to ear when he makes it there only to be told "no". He looks like his daddy and seems alot like him too. He is always joyful and funny. He is very social and interested in anything going on around him. He is attached to his little silky blanket and sucks on it to fall asleep. It is strange but it works. He is a big eater and cries if you don't get the food in his mouth fast enough. He is still waking at least once in the night to cuddle or eat or something. It drives me crazy, but I try to remember it will be over before I realize it. He LOVES Azaylee and laughs at her all the time. He also laughs at goofy things, like Aaron pretending to sneeze, or if you fake laugh, or make noises. He has a very sweet personality and we are enjoying him.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you! Also, I'm at a standstill in my weight loss too. I just keep hovering around these same 5 pounds losing and gaining...not feeling very motivated to work out harder so that I can keep losing.
