Saturday, January 21, 2012

Aaron has had a rough morning...

Before you wonder, he is fine....just slightly heartbroken. Aaron was on his way to the shop to get the tires and inspection to get this super cool car on the road and instead, ended up on the power pole. We are blessed because Aaron is totally fine, Geico towed it for us for free with our insurance, and the towing company didn't charge us extra even though they said they would have to bc of it being in a ditch. Also, a police officer stopped and was nice to Aaron about the whole situation and didn't report it even though he was driving without a tag.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Asher is 9 months old!

weight- 20lbs 10oz. (50%)
height- 28 in (50%)

-Asher had his 9 month appt yesterday. He is a healthy boy and is growing perfectly. We are very grateful for 2 healthy children.
-Asher is standing now for a few seconds on his own.
- He is sleeping well at night. He and Azaylee now share a room and Zay loves it so much! She loves her "Asher Ben".
-Asher will eat anything in sight. He constantly puts things in his mouth and gets into things. This never happened with Azaylee so it is a whole new experience for us.
-He is beginning to respond to the word "no" instead of just laughing at us.
-He is now fully on formula and we are actually trying out soy formula for a few days because he seems to have an upset stomach often. The doctor seems to think it could be a whole milk allergy. We will see.
-Asher is a sweetie. He loves to be near his family and loves to be touched.
- He loves all things electronic. We shoulda got the boy a broken laptop for Christmas instead of toys ;)

Making Snowflakes!

We are stuck at home with colds...but still havin' fun...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Interview with Azaylee about her favorite things...

What is your name?:

How old are you?:
I a big girl.

What is your favorite color?:

Who is your best friend?:

What is your favorite animal?:
A bird bird

What do you want to be when you grow up?:
A reindeer

What is your favorite movie?
Leighra's movie

What is your favorite book?
Only just to read one.

What makes you happy?

What makes you sad?
When my nose is running

What is your favorite food?
Chickfila chicken nuggs

Asher's talkin'

Asher can now say "Dada", "Mama", and give noggin. Love that boy! He now wakes up from naps saying "mamamamamama". Be still my heart!